Sunday, September 04, 2005

More Link Goodness

Some things I found this morning, both a tiny bit old and rather interesting.

First, has an interview with Jon Stewart about the changing role of television.

Second, to get into today's main tirade, has a debate between both sides of the videogame/violence issue.

Third, to show which side I support (and 'duh' if you don't already know), discusses how the major media outlets (read: The Big Three networks and their little spinoffs) react towards video games in general.

And, finally, is an entry into one Brooks Brown's 'blog concerning Columbine and DOOM.

You ay have noticed that three of those four links -and al lthree that deal with videogame violence as an issue - are from That's not a coincidence; 1Up is one of the better videogame review/news/discussion/social sites that I've found out there. So go take a look at it.

All I'm missing now is a berret, a Che Guevara poster, and a Captain N beltbuckle...

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